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Wednesday, 3 June 2015

My Last Day at School

It's been almost a month since I officially 'left school' for study leave and honestly it's the strangest thing! The last day was actually surprisingly good with the classic slideshow of embarrassing photos shown by our head of year and the obligatory shirt signing. So I thought I'd share a few of my photos from the day with you!

(Classic unflattering group photo) 

(With Corey aka Ginge) 

(My Maths crew, Matt and Toby)

(With Jon, practically my science tutor)

(Leaver hoodie shot with the girlies)

(With Tara, from my Primary School) 

(Bestfriend Beth and I with our German Teacher Smaley)

(Will, Bradders and I)

(Most of our Year picture, taken by our tutor)

I'm currently about half way through my exams and am definitely looking forward to a two month summer and getting my blog back on track, thank you for those who are still reading, it means heaps to me! Wishing you all good luck in any exams you may be doing at the moment.

Georgie xx

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