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Wednesday 4 December 2013

Revision tips: Test Season

Hello my lovelies, so I thought I'd do a quick post on revision tips while taking a break from my maths test revision. Unfortunately it's not just festive season but also test season,only term test's but still ones that go on your record or get marked down so for me they still matter. Plus they are a good indication of what you know etc. Tonight I've been revising like mad as I have a maths test on Monday so thought I'd share with you some of my revision tips and tricks that work for me. Just don't leave it all to last minute!

My first tip would be to look through your maths book. See what you know confidently and what you don't, mark pages that have topics on that you need to revise thoroughly with a post-it note tab,mine are purple as you can see. Then if there is anything you are completely stuck on how to do or really don't understand, mark with another colour-mine are yellow.These topics I will go see my teacher about or do an online lesson on. Obviously read through topics you are confident on still, just to refresh your memory but you probably won't need to concentrate your revision on them.

Next is probably one of the most popular forms of revision,making cue cards. I personally do use cue cards a lot but I try my best to make each topic a different colour or to make them visually pleasing so I will be encouraged to read them through properly. I recommend doing a set for each topic and quizzing yourself on any rules or theories to go with each one,with maybe the answer on the back. With any particular formulae you have to remember it is good to write them on post-it notes or cute paper then stick them somewhere you see often. I often stick them by my bed or on the fridge;)

My final tip is to go through old test papers and do practice questions (yawn yawn I know) but honestly there is nothing better to prepare you than doing ex paper questions or exam style problems. At my school we get given all our old paper's back with any wrong answers corrected in a different colour with workings so we can revise from them and have examples of each style question. If you can do this or have old papers to look at - it can be really helpful and you can spot your own mistakes. I suggest leaving plenty of time to revise and still treat it as a test but DON'T stress out about it,if you've put in the work there is not muvh else you can do! (to the right one of my test paper answer's with many mistakes on it oops)

Finally make sure you take regular breaks and spend time checking all your method's and working's or reason's, chill out, kick back and make sure you keep yourself fed and hydrated (although cookie crumbs on your revision cards are not recommended) and just keep positive about it! You can get that A grade or high percentage and if not- well you can always aim for it next time! (practically choking at my own cringyness there,sorry guys)
 (last tip: a nice cuppa tea always helps, one sugar please)

So that was my revision tip's post sorry if it was boring but it had to be done! Don't forget you can use these tips on any subject,just change them to fit what you need to know and around your learning. I probably won't be posting for a few days (maybe Friday as I have academic review day) because life is pretty hectic at the moment due to house moving :-) But anyway good luck to all you lot doing test's or exam's I'm sure you'll ace them all mwah! 
Georgie xx 

Of course find me on:
Twitter- @geo_lawson
Instagram- @geo_leighh


  1. Your blog is lovely. Check out mine if you would like xx :)


    1. hey bella, thankyou! I actually already follow your blog on blogger haha! i love your blog and will definitely be trying out the santa hats ;)
      Georgie xx
